Building resilience: action for strengthened institutions, communities and systems in Myanmar

Background and Objectives 


Building on the experience from previous Myanmar Consortium for Community Resilience (MCCR) projects funded by ECHO, the proposed action aims to strengthen capacities and systems at both the institutional and community levels in Myanmar.

The proposed activities will be conducted in vulnerable and disaster prone urban areas of Yangon and Mandalay, and in conflict affected and hazard prone areas in Rakhine State, directly benefiting 784,945 individuals and 65 organizations. Within these areas, the action to support institutions and the Government of Myanmar to manage disaster risk in line with local, regional and national policies and frameworks (R1) and, to strengthen local capacities to prepare for, cope and recover quickly from shocks cause by natural hazards and wider conflict risks within communities (R2) and. This disaster preparedness approach will be reinforced and inter-linked through information sharing and awareness raising at all institutional levels (R3).


The objective of the project is to strengthen institutions and populations’ resilience to disasters.


Results & Outcomes

Result 1 – Target institutions and government officials have increased their capacities to manage disaster risk in line with local, regional and national policies and frameworks

UN-Habitat’s Key Activities

  • Update of existing TDMP Guidelines (2010)

New Myanmar Action Plan on Disaster Risk Reduction (MAPDRR 2017) highlight the need to update the TDMP guidelines before revision of any new township DRM plan and also link with AADMER (2016-2020). It will be useful for the government to take TDMP development in phased manner as indicated in new MAPDRR.

  • Strengthening post-earthquake rapid damage assessment capacities of the government for immediate emergency response

Rapid damage assessment of housing and other public buildings is required to assess their safety for occupancy as aftershocks can put human lives into risk. UNH and partners will develop and endorse the standard tool/ methodology for post-earthquake rapid damage assessment.

  • Capacity building to government officials on DRM and ERM

UN-Habitat will conduct township level trainings on township level disaster risk management (DRM) and deliver the training on earthquake risk management (ERM). Participants from TDMC members and other relevant stakeholders will enhance the broad understanding of township officials on direct and indirect impacts of earthquake to be utilized in their sectorial plans.

  • Non-Structural safety assessment of hospital in Yangon & Mandalay and conducting 2 workshops on disaster safety aspects of hospitals

Hospitals and health facilities are critical resources that would need to remain safe and functional after a disaster to provide emergency medical services and to continue providing medical care for existing patients. UN-Habitat will work to bring the international expertise in conducting the non-structural safety assessment of hospitals and prepare the action plan to reduce the identified risk.

Result 2 – Communities in urban and rural conflict-affected areas have increased their preparedness capacities to cope with disaster risks

UN-Habitat’s Key Activities

  • Development and dissemination of contingency plan in Mingalar Taung Nyunt township in Yangon

Contingency planning aims to prepare to respond well to an emergency and its potential humanitarian impact. Developing a contingency plan involves making decisions in advance about the management of human and financial resources, coordination and communications procedures, and being aware of a range of technical and logistical responses. It is a well-accepted fact that time spent in contingency planning equals time saved when a disaster occurs.

Result 3 – Institutions and populations have a better understanding and knowledge of DRR through improved sharing of information and implementation of awareness activities

 UN-Habitat’s Key Activities

  • Coordinated activities for awareness raising in urban areas through public events, distribution of IEC materials and media campaign

Disaster awareness among the urban communities has also been low especially in case of earthquake and it has to be strengthened through various platform. Public awareness through print media and earthquake shake table engaging with the university students / School safety Awareness led by youth through media campaign. IEC materials and publication developed through ECHO support will be distributed to policymakers and decision makers to sensitize them about the key actions to be taken to mitigate and manage the disaster risk. UNH will also collaborate with YCDC and other city development committees to publish earthquake safety tips and messages in their weekly magazine and daily newspaper.

Development Partner: European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid

Collaborating Partners: Department of Disaster Management (DDM), General Administrative Department (GAD), Ministry of Construction and other stakeholders

Consortium Partners: Plan International, Action Aid Myanmar, Humanity and Inclusion’s, IOM, Oxfam, UN-Habitat

Geographical Location: Yangon and Mandalay