Myanmar Consortium for Capacity Development on Disaster Management – MCCDDM

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Background and Objectives


Myanmar ranks as the ‘most at risk’ country in Asia and the Pacific according to the InfoRM Risk Model. The country is exposed to a wide range of natural hazards, triggering different types of small to large-scale disasters across its territory. Myanmar is one of the 168 countries that endorsed and proactively implemented the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) aiming at ‘substantial reduction of disaster losses, in lives and in the social, economic and environmental assets of communities and countries’, and is committed to implement the Sendai Framework for Action (2015-2030). As a member of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Myanmar is signatory to the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER), which came into force in 2009 .

Cyclone Nargis and its impacts in 2008 increased the Government’s awareness of the need to plan and prepare for future disasters, and adopt a comprehensive risk reduction strategy, which led to the formulation of the Myanmar Action Plan for DRR (MAPDRR), endorsed in 2012. Among other key elements, MAPDRR recognizes the need to enhance the capacities for DRR at all levels, and identifies a range of activities related to capacity development, including the establishment of a National Disaster Management Training Center. In June 2013, the Relief and Resettlement Department (RRD), under the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement (MSWRR) organized a Consultation Workshop on ‘Developing Capacity Building Strategy through the Establishment of Disaster Management Training Centre’, and presented its plan towards establishing the DMTC.

About the Myanmar Consortium for Capacity Development on Disaster Management

The Myanmar Consortium for Capacity Development on Disaster Management (MCCDDM) aims to develop disaster management capacity of a wide range of stakeholders through sustainable partnerships, to enhance safer and resilient communities in Myanmar. The consortium’s primary focus is to support the RRD in establishing and successfully managing the training center, with funding support from the United State Agency for International Development (USAID)/ Office for Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA). MCCDDM comprises of six implementing partners, four technical partners and one local partner. To achieve its objectives, the consortium combines core technical expertise in DRR with the ability to effectively address cross-cutting issues through diverse areas of competencies.

Goal of MCCDDM

Develop disaster management capacity of a wide range of stakeholders through sustainable partnerships, to enhance safer and resilient communities in Myanmar.

Specific Objectives

Within the broader context of the DMTC Programme of RRD, MCCDDM through USAID/OFDA funding will support following objectives

  1. Upgrade the capacity of people implementing disaster management activities
  2. Train a core group of disaster management master instructors/experts
  3. Conduct duplicate (multiplier) training courses
  4. Conduct disaster management research
  5. Increase the public’s awareness about disaster management

Disaster Management Training Center (DMTC)

As the coordinating agency for disaster management in the country, RRD, is in the process of establishing the DMTC to provide technical support on Disaster Management to Ministries, Departments and other institutions at Region/State and lower administrative levels. The training center is located in Hinthada Township, Ayeyarwaddy Region. Through the Disaster Management Training Center, RRD has planned to achieve the following objectives;

              1) To upgrade the capacity of people who implement Disaster Management activities

              2) To publicise widely to realize Disaster Management

              3) To produce Disaster Management Experts

              4) To conduct multiplier trainings

              5) To be able to do Disaster Management Research

              6) To upgrade as International Disaster Management Institute in future

In addition the RRD envisages following role for the training center:

(i) Act as the technical advisory body to Sub-Committees of National Disaster Preparedness Central Committee (ii) Collaborate with similar institutions in ASEAN and other countries for research and development.

Duration – 30 months

Results achieved (up to 2016 )

  • Supported MSWRR for the setting up Disaster Management Training Centre in Hinthada. MCCDDM supported DMTC by providing training aids and Library Support
  • Curriculum Development
    • Developed new curriculum for 11 days Basic Disaster Management Course and supported DMTC in conducting 2 batches of Basic Disaster Management Course. MCCDDM support include curriculum development, providing training kits for participants and facilitator manual.
    • Curriculum for Inclusive DRR Developed by technical partners
    • Training for Instructors Programme
  • Facilitated the constitution of Technical Advisory Group
  • Carried our Pilot Research on Climate Resilience and organized workshops to facilitate Research – Training and Action Linkages

Results (planned in 2016- 2017)

  • DMTC Strategy and business plan
  • Training and capacity development
    • Training Needs Assessment
      • Developing 10 more Curricula
    • Conducting Trainings
      • Number of trainings at DMTC level – 15
      • State / Region Level Trainings -16
      • Core Trainers – 250
      • State / Region Master and Multiplier Trainings- 240
  • Institutional mapping and capacity mapping
  • Research Activities and identifying and Prioritizing needs of DMTC
  • Contribution to National Awareness Generation strategy and Developing of Awareness Campaign Plans

Funding Agency: USAID/OFDA

Partners: 11 Partners

Implementing Partners

Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED),Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC),American Red Cross (ARC) / Myanmar Red Cross Society (MRCS), SEEDS Asia (SEEDS), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)-Consortium Lead

 Technical Partners 

HelpAge International (HAI) ,Handicap International Federation (HI),International Organization for Migration (IOM), United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)

Local NGO/Partners

Ashoka Social Development Association (ASDA)

Contact Information

MCCDDM Secretariat

Myanmar Consortium for Capacity Development on Disaster Management (MCCDDM)

United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)- Myanmar
Urban Research and Development Institute (URDI)
228-234 Boguoke Aung San Road, Yangon, Myanmar
Tel /fax : (95-1) 245685
