
Country Programme Overview 2024 – 2025 (UN-Habitat Myanmar)

Country Programme Overview 2024 – 2025 (UN-Habitat Myanmar) Myanmar is a country of vast diversity, beauty, and a wealth of natural resources, including oil, gas, mining, water, timber, land, and not least, a rich cultural heritage. Despite this, three years after the military takeover, the country experiences a severe multidimensional crisis, with conflict-related displacement and

Mainstreaming Climate Resilience into Local Development Planning

Myanmar is facing growing risks from a polycrisis characterized by climate change, political instability, economic fluctuations, and natural disasters. In addressing these challenges, the publication Mainstreaming Climate Resilience into Local Development Planning was developed to highlight the critical role of incorporating climate action into local development efforts, with a focus on community-led initiatives. Inclusivity is

Myanmar Climate Action Week 2024: Key Outcomes Report

The second Myanmar Climate Action Week (MCAW) took place from June 24-29, 2024, in Yangon, focusing on climate adaptation and resilience efforts among local communities. MCAW is an initiative of UN-Habitat under the EU-funded Myanmar Climate Change Alliance 2 (MCCA2) program, with co-financing this year from CDE/University of Bern. This event occurred at a crucial

Climate Change Communication & Engagement Strategy: Guiding Local Climate Action in Myanmar

The Climate Change Communication & Engagement Strategy, developed under the MCCA2 Programme, serves as a comprehensive framework for disseminating information, conducting research, promoting education, raising awareness, and building capacity. This strategy empowers a wide range of stakeholders, including local communities, academics, civil society organizations, and the private sector, to contribute to local climate action. The

Photobook: Resilience Building Through WASH and Waste Management Support in Informal Settlements

This booklet showcases nearly three years of project implementation where the human spirit of the target population is united to work for the resilience building of vulnerable target informal settlements in Hlaing Thar Yar, Dagon Seikkan, South Dagon, Insein, Dala, Shwe Pyi Thar, Thanlyin, and North Okkalapa Townships. The project directly benefited approximately 25,000 households,

Community-Based Waste Management Field Handbook

As part of the project “Building resilience against COVID-19 through WASH and waste management support in urban informal settlements,” the Community Waste Management Field Handbook was created in cooperation with Thant Myanmar. It aims to give guidance to trained development workers and community members on how to establish solid waste management (SWM) systems in informal

End-Term Project Evaluation: The Urgent Improvement of Solid Waste Management in Yangon City

This report concerns the evaluation of the Japan-funded project entitled “Urgent Improvement of Solid Waste Management in Yangon City”. The evaluation was undertaken to assess the performance of the project, the extent to which it has been relevant, efficient, effective, coherent, and sustainable, as well as to assess outlook and sustainability. The evaluation serves the

Myanmar Climate Action Week 2023 – Event Summary Report

The first Myanmar Climate Action Week was held between 20 and 26 March 2023 with the goal of revitalizing climate discussion and action within the country. The event was hosted by UN-Habitat Myanmar as part of the Myanmar Climate Change Alliance program funded by the European Union. The event brought together stakeholders from various sectors