Past Projects
- Support to the Coordination of Early Recovery Shelter Interventions-Shelter Cluster Lead
- Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR)
- Shelter Improvement and Disaster Risk Reduction Project
- Semi-permanent Schools in Ayeyarwady Delta in Myanmar / Multi-purpose Schools in Ayeyarwady Delta in Myanmar
- Community Water Supply and Sanitation Recovery Programme (CWSSRP)
- Coastal Communities Livelihood Assistance Programme (CLAP)
- Rebuilding Homes-Rebuilding Lives – Coastal Settlements Support Programme (CSSP)
- Rebuilding Homes-Rebuilding Lives – Coastal Settlements Sustainable Recovery (CSSR)
- Safe and Sustainable Access to WASH for Rural Communities
- Shelter Recovery Programme – Post Giri Affected Areas
- Shae Thot ‘The Way Forward’
- Land Administration and Management Programme (LAMP) in Myanmar
- Safer Coastal and Urban Communities through DRR in Myanmar
- Disaster Risk Reduction for Safe & Resilient Burmese Coastal Communities
- Myanmar Consortium for Capacity Development on Disaster Management – MCCDDM
- The Programme for Development and Rehabilitation of Community in Ethnic Minority Area, Myanmar
- Transformation of Urban Management in Myanmar
- Myanmar Climate Change Alliance (MCCA1)
- The Programme for Emergency Assistance to Poor and Vulnerable Community in Ethnic Minority Areas and Yangon
- Mapping Yangon: The Untapped Communities
- BRACED Alliance Myanmar – Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters
- The Project for Emergency Support to Poor and Vulnerable Communities in Ethnic Areas
- Disaster Response & Preparedness – Resilient Coastal Communities and Urban Risk (DRP-CURB)
- A Short Step from Improved WASH to Healthier Communities
- Building resilience: action for strengthened institutions, communities and systems in Myanmar
- Yangon Informal Settlements – Resettlement Programme (YIS-RP)
- National Urban Policy Programme – Myanmar
- Project for the Urgent Improvement of Solid Waste Management in Yangon City