World Environment Day 2023: Community Clean-Up Campaigns
Community clean-up campaigns are steadily gaining momentum as a proactive measure to address waste management issues, contributing to a clean and healthy environment for all. In line with the #BeatPlasticPollution campaign and as part of the World Environment Day activities, UN-Habitat organized community clean-up events in Dagon Seikkan and Thanlyin townships from 29 to 30 May 2023 to raise awareness on impact of plastic pollution and climate change which cause frequent flooding and health hazards in the communities.
Climate change is responsible for increasing intensity and frequency of rainfall and plastic pollution is choking the drainage areas with frequent flooding during intense rainfall. The community-driven event was an incredible success, with local communities actively participating in the clean-up activity to remove garbage, plastic, and hazardous waste from the area. The campaign focused on regular cleaning of creeks, drainages, and waterways in the township as part of a long-term waste management plan. Community participation is indispensable to the success of solid waste management at local level and such campaigns offered the residents an opportunity to demonstrate their willingness to do community development work and to learn on how to adapt for climate change impacts.
Mg Zar Ni, an 18-year-old volunteer, expressed his satisfaction and motivation for participating in the community clean-up activities. He said, “I am proud to be a part of this campaign and to contribute in keeping our environment clean. Flooding caused by the garbage blocking the waterways and drainages impacts our living conditions, mobility, livelihood, and health. But with regular community clean-ups, I am hopeful that we can prevent that from happening.”
The communities of Dagon Seikkan and Thanlyin townships are committed to taking proactive measures to combat flooding in their localities. By conducting regular clean-up activities, they aim to prevent plastic pollution from clogging drainage systems causing harmful environmental hazards. With over 65,000 individuals, representing more than 20,000 households, set to benefit from this initiative, it is hoped that the community clean-up will have a profound impact on the health and wellbeing of those in the area, as well as the surrounding environment.
With collaboration and dedication, this clean-up initiative will send a powerful message that small actions can have a significant impact in creating a healthier and more sustainable future for us all. Clean-ups can serve as catalysts for permanent changes in behavior and attitude as well as encouraging communities to adopt good practices such as reuse and recycling of plastics, which have a profound effect on waste management in a community.